Good Men DO Exist

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How many of you have been guilty of saying that there aren’t any good men, all men are dogs or that good men simply don’t exist? Oh just me huh? Lol. Well, I know I have. And I also know it’s time we change that narrative. So today, we are going to do just that. We are going to affirm our beliefs that good men DO exist so that we can manifest meeting and seeing good men in our lives.

We are going to affirm our beliefs that good men DO exist so that we can manifest meeting and seeing good men in our lives.

Like so many of you, I have been so used to meeting not-so-good men that it was hard to make that pivot with my thought process and believe that good ones do exist. But I know that they do and depp down you know it too. Now, I don’t always know where they are at or are hiding (lol) but I know that if I only believe bad men exist, then I’ll only see the bad in men. Does that make sense? I’m pretty much setting myself up for failure from the start.

Let me use an analogy to help drive my point.

I was recently watching a video by Ashley Empowers and she said that a lot of us don’t believe good men exist and therefore we don’t feel we meet good men. And I agree with her on that. She further used an example of your desire for a new car and I loved this example so I’m going to tweak it a little and apply it here.

Close your eyes and picture your dream car – whatever it is.  For me, I’d love to drive a Range Rover one day. In the video, For you, it may be something different. So picture that car and believe that you will get that car one day. Now watch, when you start driving, you will find yourself seeing that car all on the road because your belief has opened your eyes to the things you are believing in! Let me say it again. Your belief has opened your eyes to the thing you are believing in. Come on somebody! That’ll preach right there.

In a similar manner, we HAVE to believe that good men do exist so that our eyes are opened to see more clearly the good men from the bad men just as you would begin to see that new car you desire from all the others. 

We have to believe that good men DO exist so that our eyes are opened to see more clearly the good men from the bad men just as you would begin to see that new car you desire from all other cars.

So I want to encourage you today to affirm to yourself that you believe good men exist so that your eyes are opened to see more clearly those good men from the bad ones (and hopefully it’ll help you make better relationship decisions as well).

Here are three simple affirmations I want you to repeat to yourself until you believe them:

  1. I believe that good men do exist.
  2. I am deserving of a good man.
  3. I am deserving of good, godly love.

And I am not just telling you all to do that. This is something I plan to affirm to myself too because I can’t say that I had always believed that good men were in abundance out there. And the truth is, maybe they aren’t but that’s okay. I don’t need multiple good men, I only need one.

I want us as women to learn to quiet those thoughts and cliches we hear all the time that men are bad, all men cheat, etc. and instead, learn to replace those with positive ones. I do believe that when you only think negative you will attract negative. So lets train and pivot our thoughts. Now that’s not to say don’t be cautious ladies. Definitely don’t be out here ignoring red flags because you want to believe a guy is a good man so badly lol. Don’t be trying to manifest so hard that you try to turn a Mr. Wrong into a Mr. Right or a bad-guy into a good guy. That’s not how it works lol.

Instead, what I’m saying is just as much as you tell yourself those negative thoughts about dating, tell yourself the positive ones too. And don’t lose hope or belief that good men don’t exist. Because they do. They are just a little lost on their journey toward finding us but they are coming lol. I feel like I need to play Marco Polo with min. Marco…lol

Stay encouraged loves.

Published by Videllia

I'm just a young woman trying to make a difference in the lives of others.

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