~ Booking Request ~

If I had to describe myself in 3 words, it would be: compassionate, motivating and empowering!

I enjoy collaborating and working with other brands and bloggers, especially those whose missions are consistent with my lifestyle and overall goal for my site.  Please click the “Booking Requests” link below to book me for your next event or learn more about me to see if our teams can collaborate!

Event / Speaker Appearances
Let me bring some inspiration talk to your city!  I’m available to discuss the following topics: singleness, dating, relationships, knowing your worth, and other topics that may suit your needs. Book me as your next keynote speaker today!.

Sponsored Social Media
This includes sponsored products, giveaways or reviews. Gain more exposure for your product/brand through a sponsored blog post or review via my website, video on my YouTube channel or social media post on my Instagram. Book me below.

IG or Facebook Lives
Want me to be a guest on your IG or Facebook live? I enjoy doing live videos and connecting with audiences all across the world and welcome the opportunity to do so with you! Book me below.

Media kits vary depending on type of sponsorship activity selected. For more details on any of the things listed above, complete the inquiry form below.

What type of collaboration(s) are you interested in?(required)